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Defendants to Plead Guilty in $6.4 Million Nestle Embezzlement Case

Two Pennsylvania men, Henry Machinski and Vincent Marchese, will each plead guilty to four felony charges in connection with embezzling $6.4 million from food giant Nestle USA. The U.S. Attorney said the plea agreement calls for the defendants to serve five to six years in prison.

Prosecutors said Machinski, then a sales manager for Nestle USA, created false invoices from an "A&P" grocery store and sent them to Nestle in Glendale, Calif. Marchese, who had no connection to the real A&P grocery chain, deposited the payments from Nestle in a bank account he set up in the name of "AP," according to prosecutors. The scheme netted $6.4 million between September 2001 through June 2005, when Nestle's auditors discovered it.

Marchese's lawyer said his client had a gambling problem that led him to commit the crime.

See the full story here.


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