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Massachusetts Woman Sentenced for Embezzling Over $1 Million

The District Attorney for the District of Massachusetts announed in late October that Grace Oliver, of Acushnet, Massachusetts, was sentenced to 46 months incarceration on charges of possessing forged securities of a corporation engaged in interstate commerce.

Oliver had earlier pled guilty, on August 6, 2007, to embezzling funds from her employer, Superior Drywall in Westport, where she served as a bookkeeper from January 2004 to December 2006.  Oliver forged 447 company checks payable to herself, as well as her credit card companies, mortgage holders, and others to whom she owed money. Oliver secretly prepared the checks and forged the signature of the company’s principal owner. Oliver deposited some of the checks into her personal bank accounts, others she used to transfer money to her friends and associates. Oliver covered up her scheme entering false payee information into the company’s accounting software, to make it look as if the checks were legitimate. Over the course of the scheme, Oliver embezzled a total of over $1.1 million.

See the full release


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